Sunday, May 15, 2016

Ramadhan is coming

Besok saper nak ikot puasa.. Bak kata ustat omar marin,, kena warmup dulu sebelum game start,, nanti cramp-cramp plak pewott tu ..
Ada lagi dia pesan , sekarang ni zina makin parah,, satu hari purata 50 anak luar nikah dilahirkan, maksudnya besok ada 50 lagi anak tak sah taraf akan dilahirkan, semlm pun sama . So apa punca dia???
Jawabnya solat
Ada yg tak solat langsung, ada yg solat tapi tak cukup 5 waktu, yg dah cukup 5 waktu tapi kualiti tak da. So ustat omar bg 3 tip untuk jaga solat .
1. Jgn lewat
2. Jgn laju
3. Jgn lalai
Sekian, Demi masa sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian kecuali org2 yg beriman dan mengerjakan kebajikan dan saling menasihati dgn kebenaran dan kesabaran.

Monday, November 24, 2014


Hello and welcome to my blog.  A bit and bytes about myself.. On weekdays, i will  normally hiking and climbing back and forth offices and faced challenging people looking for new job opportunities for my Security System businesses but during the weekends or holidays , i will go hiking and climbing mountain and hill and battling different kind of challenge with mother nature.
Furthermore, these activities will ease up the tension and stress plus a good exercise to maintain and stay fit... Fit Malaysian can kita?  hehe

Hi guys,in this blog i will share with you guys all the mountains that i have successfully climbed and reach at the summit. Among the mountain were Mount Kinabalu,Nuang, datok and Ledang,,, There are a lot of peaks in Malaysia that i have not reach yet but InshaAllah i will conquered it one by one soon...

Feel free to leave some comment in my blogs....